These photos of the medals and WW2 battle-dress of General Michal Tokarzewski-Karaszewicz were taken at the Polish Combatants Association museum in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The collection is now on its way to Poland's Military Museum in Warsaw. (March, 2007)
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The Donors and the Recipients of the Gen. Tokarzewski-Karaszewicz Collection
The Donors and the Recipients of the Gen. Tokarzewski-Karaszewicz Collection 
(l to r) President, Polish Combatants Association Branch #20, Toronto, Pilot Major Marceli Ostrowski; donor Mr. Sam Billich; donor Mr. Lionel Goffart; Vice-Consul, Polish Consulate, Toronto, Mr. Maciej Falkowski; President, Polish 1st Armoured Division, Canada, Mr. Adam Kreutzer. The representatives of the Polish organizations and Government received the donation on behalf of Poland.